The Full Story of

SEA MORE L.L.C is a UAE based sister-brand of Avocado Creative Studio - family business based in Gdańsk, Poland. We design and build custom furniture and home accessories in a sustainable and eco-conscious matter.
All products are handmade with highest quality materials and passion for detail.
From the first day of existence our vision has been to broaden the horizons, to show more, to inspire.
By creating mesmerising Maps that let you experience the unseen - structures of the ocean floor, topography of lands close and far, we wish to inspire out of the box thinking about the planet we live on.
What better place to change the world, than from the comforts of your home?
By working closely with our customers, we are able to create pieces unique, customised to each individual space and story.
Combination of traditional woodworking and modern technology allows us to deliver tables and Maps that are original, as well as of highest quality.
We want you to dream big...
then keep the memories forever!

We make Your wishes true...
Each table is custom designed and handmade accordingly to Your wishes. It is extraordinary, like the space it's going to stand in.
Choose a Map - area, colour and size
Choose the structure (steel or wood) and finish (painted, stained or natural)
Measure - how high You wish Your table to be.
Choose extras - shelf or two, shape of the legs, customisation of the Map
Go to Brand
This website was created as part of the co-financing for company
Avocado Pracownia Twórcza - Martyna Lewandowska of the GoToBrand project, sub-action 3.3.3. - support for SMEs in promoting product brands under the Smart Growth Operational Program 2014-2020.